About the Author

Brandon Cox (Iirdan) is a part-time freelance journalist and film student operating out of a small man-made cave in the southern United States. His works have been published on a myriad of sites (read: one site) across the internet, namely WoW Insider. Nevertheless, you've probably never heard of him before.

If you have, you've likely spotted him around the comments section of WoW Insider, where he lives in the shadow of other prolific commenters such as (cutaia) and MattKrotzer. Or perhaps you've seen him around Azeroth, in the guild Pox on Shadow Council-H on his Blood Elf Death Knight (They had three interrupts, okay? Don't hate.), Athanior.

Whether you've heard of him or not, you're here now, where Brandon is the lead and right now only author of Inner Peace, a Monk-centric World of Warcraft blog.

You can follow Brandon on Twitter (@Iirdan).